Air Duct Cleaning

Even though you use the air conditioner every day, you may not think of cleaning it regularly. Unless you’re without cool air in the Texas heat, your cooling system stays out of mind and out of sight. You don’t see the dust and dirt that accumulate in your air duct vents. We guarantee a quality cleaning job that will keep your family breathing clean and safe air throughout your home.
  • Clean air in your entire home
  • Clear out the dust and dirt in your vents
Dusting vent for air conditioning filter in ceiling

Prevent Allergies from Raiding Your Home

Keeping your house clean is crucial to being allergen-free!

It’s likely that you know what it feels like to have itchy, watery eyes, constant sneezing, sinus pressure, and a runny nose. Chances are there are things inside your home that are causing or contributing to your allergies.

Download this free ebook about allergy home prevention and kick those allergies out!


Home laundry

Dryer vent clean out

When was the last time you cleaned out your dryer vent? Not only should you clean dryer vents to improve the efficiency of your dryer, you can also lower your energy costs and most importantly, make your home safer from a fire. Pegasus has the experience and equipment to thoroughly clean your dryer vent so you can save money and be safe!

  • Clear out the dust and dirt from your vents
  • Maintain the life of your investment

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